Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Oh, What A "Crappy" Night

Yeah, so I apparently need to spend more time on the computer- sorry for the lack of posts this past month.

What's new and exciting for me? I'm glad you asked. This past month at work, we have been moved all around. A few of us who us who used to work on the cardiac/telemetry part of the unit are now working on the stroke unit. I have no shame in admitting that this is not enjoyable for me. At all. God bless the poor patients there, but the amount of people on that unit who think they are at the Four Seasons hotel is starting to piss me off.
The best is when a patient rang their call bell (one of the 4 'Nurse' call bell buttons built into the bed) to tell me that they can't find their manual call bell... Honestly.
Or another gem from my last night shift: a patient rang their bell and asked for some Tylenol as he was experiencing some back pain. So I went and got him the Tylenol plain 975mg po he was ordered q6h prn, he says "thank you... And oh by the way, I shit myself"......... And boy, did he ever. Fully independent, lucid and continent on the past 3 shifts I had him as a patient... But I will tell you right now, the bed was full. When I asked him what happened, he said he was too lazy to get up to the bathroom and thought it'd be better if he just went in the bed and that way he could just lay there and we could clean him up... I marched him right to the bathroom where I had to coax him to clean himself. Heavens above, if I ever become that way, please remind me of that story.
To add to the delights of the night, there was also a hateful elderly lady in a room with a young lady in her thirties... Who decided to shit herself, play in it, then wipe her hands on her roommate's bed while the poor thing was asleep! There were 2 black, tarry handprints on this poor girls bed. When I asked her why she would do such a thing she said "well what did you think? That I was going to walk around with shit all over MY hands?"... Yup. Okay.
Continuing on with the theme of the night was a lady who was incontinent of a BM when we were going around doing our end of shift checks. After my partner and I got her cleaned up, new clothes, full bed change, and tucked back into bed with a warm blanket, we turned around to leave. Then she asks for the bedpan and ends up overflowing that all over everything. Another bed bath, new clothes, new bed and warm blanket later, we leave the room.
Then, the biggest jewel in my "crap crown" for the night.. As I was finishing my end of shift checks, I walk into this gentleman's room to check on him when I see him standing up at the side of his bed in a semi-squatting position. As I go to turn on the light, he stands up and when the light comes on, there he stands with his arm outstretched. And in that hand, was a big handful of crap and he says "this is for you". Why thank you.

And I thought night shifts were supposed to be boring?

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