Friday, June 03, 2011

The CRNE... The Devil's Incarnate in Paper Form.

Well, after writing the CRNE yesterday, the extreme thunderstorm we had last night didn't scare me nearly as much. Talk about putting things into perspective.. Gosh, I hope the two events weren't correlated.

The CRNE sure lived up to its reputation and those who disagree, you'd better check your pulse! All that aside, I am glad to be done. All courses and schooling done.. All clinical done.. Graduation done.. Exam done. Now, to start my new job on a floor I absolutely detest and to move away to a new place. Everything is happening so fast and well, I'm just not ready for it.

But that's life, eh? Life doesn't stop just because I am not ready for it. I mean, it never ceases to amaze me how I can think I am ready to move on and forget things.. or somebody, when you see them again, everything changes. It's been many years; I have convinced myself that life has lead two of us in different directions and that ties have been cut.. but I see them again in a passing glance.. smiling.. and that just all goes out the window.

Well, in a few days I will start my new journey and chapter in life.. I will keep posting. Don't hang on edge for too long.

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