Monday, December 31, 2012

Critical Care. Yikes.

So, since I have fallen off the face of the earth for like the past 7 months, I will give a brief synopsis of my life. I totally left that dirt-squirrels ass as I posted before and I haven't looked back since. About 2 months later, a co-worker set me up with her sister's husband's brother on a group outing and well, the rest is history.

As far as the rest of my life, I went on a vacation to the Middle East this fall and started a new job in the Intensive Care Unit a few months back. Remember that post about ambitions? Well, I can now scratch "Be a critical care nurse" off that list! It's very... different... from Med/Surg floor nursing of course. I went from overseeing the care of 10-12 patients to 1 vented patient or 2 non-vented patients. I still remember how overwhelmed I was on my first day and thinking "what the hell have I gotten myself into?".. and boy, getting that first really sick patient with 9 different drips and infusions who was being tubed and lined... and just standing there looking like a lost goat. Good times, good times. Having to present your patient in rounds with the dumb-ass residents talking to you like you're a kindergartener.. It'll take some time to get used to and to develop an even thicker skin than I already have.

So sorry for the lack of posts. I know, my following is SO huge. But these past few months, I've been treading water and trying not to drown. Good thing I kept some of my textbooks from nursing school cause I've been studying them more than I did for my licensing exam.

Well, keep it real. Back to work tomorrow - I'm sure I'll have some interesting tales to regale you with this week. I sure hope it's a good doctor on for the week - if not, I could have some REALLY interesting stories.

Nurse Shotgun