Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Okay, so this is my fourth attempt posting this. This fricken app is a piece of shit and it keeps erasing on me. Yeah, sorry for the lack of posts lately. This is related to two things: #1) Let it be known that I now have a LIFE! I have been dating this fella for about a month now- and it has potential! We've been seeing each other a LOT. He gives me butterflies! ... Okay, enough of that shit. I ain't getting all mushy on ya. #2) Work is totally kicking my ass. Seriously. I won't even start the rant about our management and their complete lack of concern for their employees safety - and more importantly, the patients! We are so fricken short staffed and they don't give a flying shit cause they haven't had a set of scrubs on since nursing school in the 70s. They'd never survive a shift on the floor. And the patient population we have in currently are ridiculous. I put one woman on the bedpan 13 times in a 12 hour shift... And if I didn't get there within like 45 seconds of her ringing, she would just piss the bed full just to be spiteful. And of course, she was covered in bedsores, so all of those dressings would get saturated and I'd need to change like 3 dressings. It's great cause 60% of the shift I was on my own for 12 patients. Eff. Can somebody tell me why I still work there? And I won't even tell you about the workload issue we had a few weeks back... An effing disaster. I dont know what it's going to take to make the managers wake up to what is going on. Yes, I know it's the same everywhere in our lovely, socialist healthcare utopia: there's no money. But is it going to take somebody getting seriously hurt or killed for them to wake the hell up? Who else has this issue? Eff. This job makes me bitter and jaded. What happened to that optimistic outlook I once had as a brand new nurse? ... and how do I get it back? Over and out, y'all. PS- I totally have my eyes on a few shotguns on the Cabelas website. I am looking for a shotgun made for a woman, but preferably not pink.. Any suggestions?