Friday, August 26, 2011

Growing Up Sucks.

      I have now completed 3 sets of shifts on my own… I’m not sure what I think of it yet. When I sit down and think of what I do in the run of a day and what my role is, I don’t even know if I could tell you. I don’t feel like I have a clue what I am doing. I just try to get by. It scares me when a LPN comes to me and asks “what do I do?”. I’m usually the one going to them and asking then what I do.
     Since I last posted, I found my first patient who was “down” and called my first Code Blue. Got him back, but they ended up passing away in the ICU at the end of shift- thankfully after the family arrived. Have dealt with old men peeing on me, acquiring injuries from morbidly obese abdominal folds, been swung at by a demented patient. No wonder they don’t tell you what the real world of nursing is like while you’re in school, cause you’d probably drop out and take your money with you. Anyways, I’m sticking in there… barely. I don’t want to be there, but I show up and suck it up. Missing home and all the comforts that accompany it. Growing up sucks.