Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Radioactive Man

It’s a typical night shift on the Medical floor. Sitting down to do charts after midnight when a man wanders onto the unit with a coffee in his hand…

Man with coffee: ”Ma’am, are you pregnant?*
Nurse: ”.. Umm, no?”
Man with coffee: ”Good because I’m radioactive. I can abort a fetus 6-8 feet away. I had some cancer treatments down below a few weeks ago and I’m radioactive. Are you a nurse?”
Nurse: ”Yes, I am. Can I help you?**
Man with coffee: “My pee is pink when I start to pee. Is that normal? Why is it pink?”
Nurse: ”Well, you did have something up there reaming out your urinary tract.. that can cause some irritation and some discoloration is normal.. but if it’s been a while, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to follow up with your doctor.”
Man with coffee in hand: “Yeah.. so whatcha got good to eat in here?”
* - Hello? Why the heck would you ever ask a woman that in the first place?
** - This is not a good thing to ask